I lost 3 Pounds on Vacation!
These are all great suggestions. But is it realistic to think that you can come home from vacation weighing the same or even losing a few? I’m Lynn, and I went on my dream vacation: Rome, Florence, Tuscany and Venice. But I was worried about what I could eat while traveling through Italy. I was following the Cellular Healing Diet and feeling really good. I hadn’t eaten a bite of gluten in over 3 years and it had really paid off. But Italy is a “gluten fest” and I knew the temptations would be very high.
I decided to travel armed with specific supplements to make sure I would be able to get through the trip feeling comfortable and energized. I brought ZGlutn to make sure that if I did eat gluten (could I really avoid pasta, pizza and bread in Italy?!) I would not be miserable. ZGlutn enzymes can gobble up the gluten molecules before they have a chance to wreak havoc with the gut. I also took D-Digest to ensure that I was able to digest food properly, and C-Colon to make sure my bowels continued to move.
Before I left, I discovered that Italy was still baking with ancient Einkorn wheat (unlike our dwarf wheat in the US, Einkorn wheat is known for its easier digestibility). I do not have Celiac disease (No gluten for those with Celiac, even in Europe) but I am gluten sensitive. So with caution and moderation, I tried a pasta meal with ZGlutn, C-Colon and D-Digest and there were no ramifications. In fact, it was like being in heaven. I did, however, limit myself to very small amounts of gluten containing foods and stuck mostly with fish, beef, vegetables and chicken and I sailed through Italy. But the best part about my trip was that I walked miles every day and came home from vacation 3 pounds lighter!